Author: Jess Bonasso (Jess Bonasso)

How to Shift Your Energy, Your Mindset & Your Life

How to Shift Your Energy, Your Mindset & Your Life

Happiest of new years to you, my friend. Are you feeling energized, excited, & hopeful about what lies ahead in 2024? If yes, I’d love to hear from you about what kind of magic you’re hoping to create so I can help you hold that vision strong! :) And if you’re answer is no, I just...

How To Turn Your Darkness Into Light

How To Turn Your Darkness Into Light

Happy holidays & winter solstice, dear one! :) We just experienced the shortest day & longest night of the year yesterday, it got me thinking about what a sacred & shadowy time of year this is!  The winter solstice, which happens on the 21st of December, is not just the longest night of the year when...

Why Pleasure & Play Are Part of Your Purpose

Why Pleasure & Play Are Part of Your Purpose

Do you feel frivolous, lazy or guilty when you take time out for pleasure and play? Believe it or not, this is not as uncommon as you might think, especially for those who were taught or told one or more of the following throughout life: Can you relate or do you have other limiting beliefs...

12 Ways to Live on Purpose

12 Ways to Live on Purpose

I’ve been thinking about what it means to live on purpose recently &I’m curious… What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?  I have a card of encouragement I was given several years ago with this question printed on it that I keep in my office to inspire me daily &...

15 Ways to Reignite Your Life

15 Ways to Reignite Your Life

Do you sometimes feel like you’re on operating on auto-pilot with no real purpose or direction? Or do you feel stuck in a daily routine or rhythm that makes it difficult to spend time nurturing aspects of your life that fuel, inspire & delight you?  If so, it’s time to get out of whatever rut you’ve been...

How to Build a Life You Don’t Need to Escape From

How to Build a Life You Don’t Need to Escape From

Do you sometimes sit & daydream about ways to escape the hard work, effort, & grind of the everyday reality you’re faced with? If so, it might mean it’s time to build a life that you don’t have to escape from! :)  Speaking for myself personally, there’ve been many times in life when things were hard...

Why Rest is Resistance

Why Rest is Resistance

Have you been craving a break from all the hard work, effort & force you’ve been operating from?  Believe it or not, I can relate! It’s been almost 6 months since I’ve shared self-rescue wisdom with my community because at the end of the day, I just needed to practice what I preach & take a break....

Why Self-Rescue Helps You Go From Wounded to Whole

Why Self-Rescue Helps You Go From Wounded to Whole

I’m curious, what does the term “self-rescue” mean to you personally? Think about it for a moment & then define in your own words in the comments below what you think it might mean. I’d love to hear your definition! :) Speaking for myself personally, my definition of self-rescue began forming in my early 30’s,...

Why Self-Assessment Helps You Love Your Life

Why Self-Assessment Helps You Love Your Life

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being extraordinary), how much do you LOVE your life right now? If it’s less than 10 (which it usually is for most humans), take a moment & share that rating in the comments below!   And you know what? If you have a rating less than 10 it...