12 Ways to Live on Purpose

12 Ways to Live on Purpose

I’ve been thinking about what it means to live on purpose recently &I’m curious…

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? 

I have a card of encouragement I was given several years ago with this question printed on it that I keep in my office to inspire me daily & it serves as a great reminder to consistently nurture my vision for greatness.

It also helps me stay motivated & keep me going when things are hard in my business or in life. 

As for my answer to this question, if you’ve known or been following me for a while now you probably know that my purpose & mission in life is to contribute to the awakening of every single woman on the face of the planet by teaching them how to master the art of self-rescue so they can struggle less & thrive from a place of power, wholeness, ease & grace vs. the hard work, effort & force so many women have been programmed to operate from for centuries. 

Ironically, this burning desire to be of contribution & service to the world comes from my own self-rescue, a journey of self-discovery I’ve been on for more than 20 years now where I’ve had to learn how to save myself from the self-abandonment & self-sabotage that used cause me stress & strife in work & life when I was younger. 

Fortunately, I’ve learned a lot about mastering the art of self-rescue over the years & it recently got me thinking…

How many of us have a burning desire that we’re struggling to make progress toward but can’t because of inner saboteurs or external factors that just seem to continuously get in our way & prevents us from nurturing ourselves & our vision for greatness? 

Understanding the nature of the human condition the way that I do, I’m willing to bet there are a lot of women (& men!) out there that feel frustrated, stuck or worse, simply aren’t connected to a deeper desire for their work & life that inspires, delights & motivates them into action each day. 

So, to support you in connecting with your own life’s purpose, I invite you to consider & journal around this question I’ve posed today to help you suss out & assess what living with more intention & purpose in your own life might look like for you. 

Why could this be helpful? 

Because knowing what gives you a sense of purpose in life can give you inspiration & direction when you feel stuck or lost & it can also help motivate you & align your actions & decisions with your values, your passions & your purpose.

So with this in mind, here are several ways to foster living a more purposeful life:

  1. Identify your values: Reflect on the core values that matter to you the most & bring meaning to your life. Focus on aligning your actions, words & deeds with these values. 
  2. Set meaningful goals: Define clear & specific goals that resonate with your values & aspirations. Break them down into smaller steps to make them more realistic & achievable.
  3. Pursue your passions: Pursue activities & interests that bring you joy & fulfillment. Engage in hobbies & projects that ignite your passion & keep you fueled.
  4. Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment & cultivate awareness of your thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness can help you make more intentional choices.
  5. Give back: Contribute to causes or communities that you care about. Helping others can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  6. Embrace challenges: Learn to see obstacles as opportunities for growth & learning. Embracing challenges can lead to wisdom that cultivates greater ease & grace.
  7. Prioritize self-care: Take care of your physical, mental, & emotional well-being. A healthy & balanced lifestyle can enhance & support your ability to live with purpose.
  8. Surround yourself with positive support: Build a supportive network of friends & mentors who inspire & encourage you on your journey daily. Building a life that you love requires help & support. 
  9. Practice gratitude: Cultivate a sense of appreciation for the blessings, opportunities & hard things that occur in your life. Gratitude can foster a more positive outlook.
  10. Continuously reassess: Regularly review your actions & choices to ensure they align with your purpose. Stay open to adjusting your path as you grow & evolve.
  11. Identify your strengths & expertise: Understanding & offering the value you bring to the world through your strengths & expertise is a great way to celebrate & cultivate your greatness. 
  12. Transform your pain: Identify & assess any anger, shame or pain moments in your life that you’ve been able to navigate or overcome. Often, our path to self-rescue can become a road map for others to follow!

Hopefully, after considering all of the above you’ll be more deeply connected to your purpose & remember…

Living on purpose is a continuous journey, which means it’s okay to explore multiple ways to live on purpose!

This is what will help you evolve & grow your vision for greatness into a deep burning desire & life’s purpose that truly fulfills you.

Jess Bonasso, also known as The Self Rescue Goddess, is a self-rescue coach, author & keynote speaker on a mission to teach women around the world how to master the art of self-rescue so they can struggle less & thrive more.

A leading expert who’s been teaching women how to save themselves since 2007, Jess is the founder & CEO of Brave Life Consulting & the creator of the Brave-Hearted Way, a personalized self-rescue compass & road map that teaches ambitious modern-day wonder women how to awaken their power, heal their life & nurture their vision for greatness so they can thrive from a place of power, wholeness, ease & grace vs. the hard work, effort, & force they’ve been used to operating from.

Not only does she speak for women’s organizations, conferences & on podcasts regularly, she is also a published co-author of two self-help books & has over 20 years’ worth of expertise with the Enneagram personality system. She is also an accredited practitioner of The Journey Method®, a highly effective form of cellular trauma release therapy that can unravel the root cause of any trauma, struggle or self-sabotage that blocks or prevents your happiness, health, wealth, or wholeness.

To assess & jumpstart your own self-rescue & discover the 3 keys to self-rescue, simply sign up TODAY for a *COMPLIMENTARY* Self-Rescue Assessment!

And be sure to follow Jess on social media where you’ll receive daily inspiration & support on how to heal & fuel your life so you can embrace your greatness on FacebookTwitterYouTube, or LinkedIn! :)

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