How to Know When It’s Time to Say “No”

How to Know When It’s Time to Say “No”

I’m sure over the past 3 months you’ve probably had a chance to get into some semblance of a habit (or rhythm) to life again, despite the pandemic, right? 

Hopefully by now, you’ve developed new rituals & routines to support you during this time & learned how to come together as a company, a community, a family, a couple or even just to be there for yourself. 

I know for me personally, rituals & routines have made a HUGE difference.

For example, my man & I have been walking every day in the morning & watching the sunset at night, something we rarely did together in the past. 

We’re also both working from home & figured out a schedule that works for both of us.

AND, we also now have a meeting each week to work through & talk about task management, priorities & other important matters! 

Overall, it’s really helped us get in a groove & although it’s certainly not perfect at all times, it sure has made things easier on us. 

If you’re one of those who’s been able to create similar rituals & routines amidst the chaos, you might be noticing that your nervous system is starting to self-regulate again & you’re probably feeling more energized, grounded, & calm. 

If on the other hand, you’re one of those who have NOT been able to get into a rhythm or routine yet because 1) you’re so busy taking care of everyone else OR 2) you’re working non-stop to support yourself & your family, you might be feeling more exhausted, on-edge & hyper-vigilant than ever from simply not having any down time for yourself. 

Unfortunately, without the ability to put rituals & routines into place that nurture & fuel you, it will be difficult to calm your nervous system & recoup your energy stores.

Regardless of what’s keeping you from getting into rituals or routines that make you feel healthy & happy, let me ask you… 

What is running on empty or running yourself ragged REALLY costing you? 

If you’re not sure, let me share a few ideas of what I think it COULD be costing you, which is likely one or more of the following: 

•    Energy
•    Patience
•    Kindness
•    Curiosity
•    Peace
•    Joy
•    Happiness
•    Freedom
•    Trust
•    Health
•    Mindset
•    Happiness
•    Self-esteem
•    Self-love
•    Self-respect
•    Compassion
•    Empathy

…and probably so much more! 

But here’s the thing… 

When ANY of these are missing in your life it greatly affects your relationship with yourself & with others, does it not? 

As you consider what all of this is actually costing YOU, I’m sure you’ll quickly realize the profound impact of not having time to calm your nervous system & restore your energy. 

And ultimately, that probably feels pretty HEAVY, am I right?

So this makes me wonder… 

Are you ready to say YES to you? 

If you’re ready to feel more energized, grounded & calm in your life, you’re in the right place because that’s exactly what I want to share with you how to do today so you can move forward in an empowered way.

And you know what…?

It all starts with learning how to say “NO” more often to the things that no longer serve you or drain your energy, so you can then make the time & create the space for healthier, happier rituals & routines in your life that energize, ground & calm you, while improving your relationship with yourself & others. 

To empower yourself & learn more about how to make saying YES to you a reality, the first thing you need to learn is how to know WHEN something is no longer serving you & it’s time to start saying “NO”.

Earlier I mentioned that what it’s costing you might make you feel HEAVY.

Consider this… every time you say yes to something that drains you OR avoid what would fuel you, you are going to feel a dull heaviness in your body, mind & spirit.

Typically, what makes us feel HEAVY in nature are our low density thoughts, feelings & emotions that arise due to chaos, grief or stress in life.

Heaviness is also present when exhaustion is present & overall, the feeling of heaviness itself is further draining, which is why it can sometimes feel like you’re overwhelmed & running on empty.

So there you have it…

When you begin to feel heaviness on a regular basis, it’s time to step back & take a look at what EXACTLY is making you feel HEAVY so you can deal with it once & for all.

Once you identify what exactly makes you feel heavy or drained, it’s up to you now to do everything in your power to manage & mitigate that energy drain in your life, which could look like one or more of the following empowered actions:

  • De-commit from what drains you altogether so you can stop doing the activity altogether.
  • Delegate what drains you to someone else by hiring or asking for help so you can stop doing the activity altogether.
  • Simplify the activity that drains you so you don’t have to spend as much time on it.
  • Automate the activity that drains you so you don’t need to be involved anymore.
  • Load-balance all energy drains in your life with an energy-fueling activity that occurs before or after the energy-draining activity so you can intentionally stay grounded & keep your energy stores fueled.

So with all of this in mind, take a moment & ask yourself the following questions…

  1. What’s the #1 thing draining your energy right now?
  2. What’s the very first step (that will make the biggest difference overall) you can take to manage or mitigate that drain?

Once you’ve identified the first step to take, take that action & then systematically move on to correct any other drains that might exist in your life.

As you eliminate each energy drain in your life, you will automatically be freeing up more time for yourself to implement happier, healthier rituals & routines that make you feel energized, grounded & calm.

So tell me, what are your thoughts on all of this?

Feel free to leave your feedback & comments. I’d love to hear your thoughts! :) 

Are You in Need of A Self-Rescue?If being a high-achieving hero, leader or change-maker in the world is wearing you out or leading you into burnout, strife or a midlife crisis, YOU might be in need of a self-rescue!

Jess Bonasso, also known as The Self Care Goddess, is a Brave Life Catalyst & Self-Rescue Coach who has been empowering Worn Out Wonder Heroes since 2007.

If you’re ready to live life in a brave-hearted way that heals, fuels & inspires you (vs. drains & depletes you), simply sign up for a *COMPLIMENTARY* Brave Life Assessment & Toolkit to uncover the saboteurs that zap your energy, destroy your joy & sabotage your success. You’ll also discover your very own road map for embracing your greatness without sacrificing your soul, sanity or health!

OR, follow Jess on social media where you’ll receive daily inspiration & support on how to heal & fuel your life so you can embrace your greatness on FacebookTwitterYouTube, or LinkedIn! :)

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