Are You Ready to Become Your Own Hero?


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1. To develop gradually.

2. To come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution:

3. To gradually change one’s opinions or beliefs:

4. To develop by a process of evolution to a different adaptive state or condition:

Imagine for a moment, sister…

What would it be like if you had a road map for how to live, love, lead, work & thrive in a way that allows you to shine your light in the world from a place of wholeness, ease & grace vs. the hard work, effort & force you’ve been used to?!!

And what if you could develop the superpowers that help you heal your shadow & nurture your sunshine in every area of your life?

You might be doubting if this is possible, especially if you’re not exactly where you want to be in life on your own despite all the hard work, effort & force you’ve probably been operating from over the years in order to be successful, prove your value & worth or make a difference in the world.

The good news is that being a woman of impact, influence & success doesn’t mean you don’t have to continue the hustle & grind that’s gotten you where you are today anymore!

In fact, there’s actually a brave-hearted way to thrive in life that doesn’t involve sacrificing or abandoning your soul, sanity or health & it all starts with identifying what the personalized self-rescue compass & road map is that will empower you to rescue yourself & then aligning to that new vision of impact, influence & success through your actions, words & deeds.

In a nutshell, this is what I call mastering the art of self-rescue!

With your own unique self-rescue compass & road map in place, you will be able to exponentially thrive in all areas of your life from a place of power, ease & grace vs. the hard work, effort & force you’ve been used to.

Are You in Need of Self-Rescue?

So how do you know if you’re in need of self-rescue?

According to Ada Colhoun in an article on called The New Midlife Crisis“nearly 60 percent of women in their 40’s describe themselves as stressed out & more than 1 in 5 women are on antidepressants. An awful lot of these middle-aged women feel furious, overwhelmed & like the deck is stacked against them.”

Even Brené Brown’s article on The Midlife Unraveling shares that “the midlife unraveling is a series of painful nudges strung together by low-grade anxiety and depression, quiet desperation, and an insidious loss of control”.

Both of the above articles make it clear that women in particular struggle during midlife because their efforts to be of impact, influence & success in the world are actually causing them to sacrifice & abandon themselves in very toxic ways.

This is one of the reasons why I believe burnout has become the new midlife crisis!

To help you understand whether you’re in need of a self-rescue, it’s important to see where you are now by learning the symptoms, if left unchecked, could lead to burnout, breakdown or worse… a proverbial midlife crisis!

Does any of the following apply to you?

  • You often feel stressed & overwhelmed by all that you have to do.
  • You’re tired of over-giving to the point of self-sacrifice. 
  • You have a hard time focusing & staying on track with your projects & attention.
  • You often feel exhausted by trying to get everything done just “right”.
  • You’re experiencing physical or emotional discomfort in your body due to a lack of self-care.
  • You feel out of balance & deeply challenged by setbacks & mistakes.
  • You’re super hard on yourself & others to the point of sabotage.
  • You doubt your greatness despite having a powerful message or gift to share with the world.
  • You’re feeling misunderstood or unappreciated by people in your life.
  • You feel alone & unsupported with all that you have to do.
  • You’re struggling with anxiety or depression that leaves you feeling burned out & miserable at the end of the day.
  • You’re struggling with feelings of bitterness & resentment because there’s never enough time to take care of YOU.
  • You feel a deep-seated lack of fulfillment that sucks the radiance right out of your soul.
  • You’re experiencing physical & emotional degradation such as depression, anxiety, auto-immune disorders, cognitive dysfunction, organ breakdown, etc…

If any of the above is affecting you personally, it’s time to face that you might be in need of self-rescue, sister.

In fact, ignoring these symptoms will only make you feel worse about life & lead to even more struggle, stress & strife!

Aren’t you tired of being the victim to what life brings your way?

Wouldn’t you like to take back control of your life, save yourself & become your own hero?

You are not lazy, unmotivated, or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode, you are exhausted. There is a difference.


The Self-Rescue Solution

Imagine, what would it be like if…

  • You could break free from any of the self-sabotage listed above?
  • You were able to recondition your mindset & your life for greatness?
  • You knew how to live, love, lead & work from a place of feminine power, ease & grace vs. masculine hard work, effort & force?
  • You could overcome setbacks & challenges with greater ease & resilience?
  • You knew the exact core values that you stand for?
  • You know your passions, purpose & mission in life?
  • You were able to set & hold boundaries with ease?
  • You were able to accept & ask for help & support without guilt?
  • You were nurturing ALL aspects of your life vs. everyone else’s life?
  • You were operating from a place of wholeness?

Well, guess what?

There’s a way to experience all of this & more… from a place of true power, ease & grace!

In fact, based on my own self-rescue journey & experience over the past 30 years, I’ve created a customized self-rescue support system that will empower you to create your very own self-rescue compass & road map that leads to brave-hearted courage, authenticity & wholeness in your own life.

This customized approach will not only guide you to an expanded vision of influence, impact & success in the world that allows you to save, serve & support others AND yourself while empowering you to live, love, lead, work & thrive from a place of power, ease & grace vs. the hard work, effort & force you’ve been used to!

If you’re ready to end the cycle of self-sabotage, self-sacrifice, & self-abandonment that has led you into burnout, stress & strife in the past and you’re ready to step into a brave-hearted way of living that truly fuels & excites you (vs. drains & depletes you), it means you’re ready, sister. :)

Simply check out the customized self-rescue support solutions available to you below!

Your entire life can really change in a year. You just have to love yourself enough to know you deserve more, be brave enough to demand more & be disciplined enough to actually work for more.

Jess Bonasso, The self rescue goddess

The Brave-Hearted Way

A Personalized Self-Rescue Compass & Road Map to Brave-Hearted Courage, Authenticity, & Wholeness

The Brave-Hearted Way will help you learn how to awaken your superpowers using the power of the Enneagram spiritual growth & development system), heal your shadow (using the power of the Journey Method®, a powerful form of cellular memory release therapy) & nurture your shine so you can live, love, lead & work from a place of power, ease & grace and create a more balanced life of happiness, health & wholeness!

Below is a summary of all of the amazing value that you’ll receive when you say YES to you!


Learn how to awaken the hero within through soulful self-examination and radical self-growth in your life using the Enneagram personality system, an ancient & powerful path of personal & spiritual growth that will help you 1) gain clarity and understanding of the underlying ego patterns and behaviors that sabotage your happiness, success & greatness & 2) discover the growth path that will help you become a healthier & more integrated version of your true authentic self!


Learn how to burn with desire through inspired self-direction and courageous self-support that helps you 1) determine where you are now in 12 areas of life, 2) clarify your deepest desires in each of those areas, and 3) identify the support you need that will elevate you to greatness.


Learn how to rescue yourself through empowered self-correction and cellular self-healing that helps you 1) identify the inner saboteurs that hold you back, 2) unravel and release what no longer serves you, and 3) transform challenges, setbacks & wounds into wisdom.


Learn how to align to your desire through fueling self-renewal and radiant self-care that helps you 1) create a strength training plan that refuels your life, 2) identify the actions that will fill in your deepest desires, and 3) be accountable to course-correction and wisdom along the way.


Learn how to value yourself through steadfast self-restraint and focused self-regulation that helps you 1) set better boundaries with yourself and others, 2) leverages your time so you can starting work smart (vs. hard), 3) cultivates your energy so you can have the energy to live a life that you LOVE, and 3) re-designs your life so you can align to both your desires and your greatness.


Learn how to embrace your greatness through purposeful self-motivation & authentic self-alignment that helps you 1) discover the core virtues that mean the most and represent your calling in life, 2) deepen awareness of the passions that will fuel your energy and joy, and 3) identify and connect to a life’s purpose and mission that helps you stand in your power and align to your greatness so you can live your best brave life.

In addition to learning how to master all of the above, you’ll also receive:

  • Lifetime access to workbooks, assessments, tools & embodiment practices that teach you how to live from a place of brave-hearted courage, authenticity & wholeness so you can own your power, your purpose & your life WITHOUT burnout, stress or strife.
  • Lifetime access to training & support videos that help you understand the purpose of the above lessons & practices & set yourself up for success with embodiment practices for each one!
  • Mini guided Journey Method® meditations that can be downloaded & used whenever needed to help you unravel & manage physical & emotional pain, limiting beliefs, unhealthy habits & behaviors, fears, phobias, & panic attacks!
  • Weekly community support in the Brave-Hearted Sisterhood membership community is included, where you’ll receive weekly sisterhood & support that helps you live your life in a way that fuels & excites you (vs. drains & depletes you).

PLUS! You have the ability to add on the following optional support options:

  • Private 1:1 self-rescue support (see a detailed summary of available sessions below) so you can receive personalized coaching & deep-dive cellular release around anything that holds you back OR any goals or desires you wish to create.
  • The Wild Woman Experience, which is 4-day retreat + self-rescue adventure to awaken your power through purpose, passion, pleasure & play.

Self-Rescue Community

Below are all the community-based self-rescue support options that are available:

  • The Brave-Hearted Sisterhood is a self-rescue membership community that offers weekly sisterhood circles & self-rescue support for learning how to life your life in a way that fuels & excites you (vs. drains & depletes you)!
  • The Wild Woman Experience is a 4-day retreat + self-rescue adventure that will teach you how to awaken your power through purpose, passion, pleasure & play!

Private Self-Rescue Support

Guidance Sessions

1-hour guidance sessions are designed to help you uncover the bold and courageous actions you’ll need to take to empower you to become your very own hero along with accountability & support with those actions.

You’ll also identify & receive self-care tools, strategies, practices & rituals that might be needed along the way to support & assist you in embracing your greatness!

Not only will you be able to work on ANY area of your life that you’d like to enhance but other areas you can walk away with include the following:

  • Deep discovery, insight, growth, & empowerment to keep you motivated & excited for CHANGE!
  • Actions, rituals, tools, & resources to recondition you to LOVE yourself AND your life!
  • Connection to your inspiration, passion, & JOY in life!
  • Brainstorming, masterminding, & discovery of your personal life goals & intentions!
  • Inner wisdom & guidance from your higher self!
  • Gratitude & wisdom over any obstacles that arise along the way!

Release Sessions

1 to 2-hour cellular memory healing sessions are designed to help you resolve past trauma & release old programming at a cellular level using the Journey Method®, a powerful cellular memory release therapy that can heal your life & set you free from the inner saboteurs that hold you back or limit your greatness!

Examples of areas that can effectively be healed & addressed are as follows:

  • Chronic Stress & Anxiety (physical/mental/emotional)
  • Panic Attacks/Phobias that stops you in your tracks or de-capacitates you
  • Deep-Seated Fears (such as not being good enough, a failure, success, un-lovability, abandonment, rejection, not being smart enough, not being unique/just like everyone else, safety, not being supported, vulnerability, conflict, etc…)
  • Limiting Beliefs (deep-seated beliefs that come from programming & conditioning
  • Bad Habits (procrastination, addictive behaviors, distractions, obsessive compulsive behaviors, etc…)
  • Unhealthy Vows (deep-seated beliefs that make you feel you can NEVER be/do/have/achieve what you desire)
  • Toxic Thoughts (failure mentality, victim mentality, scarcity/lack mentality, suicidal, self-deprecation)
  • Deadly Emotions (depression, sadness, stress, anger, rage, resentment, overwhelm, shame, guilt, etc…)
  • Physical Health Dis-ease (digestive issues, organ dysfunction, exhaustion/fatigue, ADD/ADHD, cancer, tumors, tension, degeneration, etc..)
  • Chronic Stress or Overwhelm (over-commitment, hyper-sensitivity, hyper-vigilance, hyper-distracted, etc…)
  • Addictive Behaviors (smoking, drinking, caffeine, sugar, salt, soda, fast food, social media, etc…)
  • Disintegrated Ego/Personality Patterns & Fixations(over-critical, over-giving, over-achieving, over-dramatizing, over-withdrawal, over-analyzing, over-adventurous, over-aggressive, overly passive, etc…)
  • Blocks to Abundance (Giving/Receiving, Lack/Scarcity, Nurture/Growth)
  • Un-resolved Trauma (PTSD, physical/mental/verbal/sexual abuse, abandonment, neglect, etc…)
  • Disconnection to Higher Self (operating out of Human Animal or Human Ego behaviors)
  • …and more!

Deep-Dive Intensives

3-hour deep-dive intensives that are designed to help you make significant headway with major life issues that might be holding you back or burning desires you are that you might be feeling block or stuck in creating.

Examples of areas where deep-dive progress might be needed are as follows:

  • Purpose, Alignment & Contribution Discovery where we identify & fine-tune the unique core values, passions, purpose & mission in life that will allow you to become authentically aligned to your purpose & contribution in life!
  • Business Redesign, Marketing & Development where you determine how to streamline your business so you can plug energy drains, work smart (vs. hard) for your money & LOVE what you do!
  • Career Redesign & Development where you determine how to streamline your professional career so you can plug energy drains, work smart (vs. hard) for your money & LOVE what you do!
  • Relationship Discovery, Redesign, & Attraction where you’ll receive deep-dive healing & engage in self-discovery work to determine how to attract the kind of partnership you really desire so you can start getting your needs met in relationship in a way that’s WIN-WIN (vs. WIN-LOSE)!
  • Lifestyle Redesign & Burnout Recovery where you can discover how to plug your energy drains & optimize your life through energy & time management strategies that leverage both your time & energy so you can give from a place of fullness (vs. lack or drain)!
  • Enneagram Discovery, Guidance & Healing where you receive deep-dive discovery, guidance & healing using the Enneagram to uncover & resolve any Enneagram ego pattern you’re struggling with the most!
  • …and more!

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you decide to say YES to YOU with any of the following services, you are accountable & responsible to the following satisfaction guarantees:

The Wild Woman Experience

When you choose to invest in the Wild Woman Experience on its’ own, the cancellation policy is as follows:

  • Cancellations on or before 11/01/23 will be issued a refund minus a $100 cancellation fee, unless otherwise agreed.
  • Cancellations after 11/01/23 will be issued a refund minus a $200 cancellation fee, unless otherwise agreed.

The Brave-Hearted Way Self-Rescue Compass & Road Map

Because you are given immediate, lifetime access to this online training program upon purchase, no refunds are granted & you will be responsible for payment of the full value of this program.

The 12-month Brave Life Experience

The 12-month Brave Life Experience is a personalized self-rescue journey that will accelerate your growth by teaching you how to become your very own hero. Over the course of a year, you’ll be able to experience a personalized approach to self-rescue with any variation of the above services outlined on this page included.

To learn more about the 12-month Brave Life Experience, simply sign up for a complimentary 60-minute Brave Life Discovery Consult where we can discuss the results of your self-rescue assessment & discuss the various ways you can pay & play in the sandbox with self-rescue in your own life.

When you choose to invest in a personalized Brave Life Experience program of your choice, you will have 45 days from the date of purchase to explore & experience what’s included in the program you’ve chosen.

If for some reason you decide to cancel your year-long commitment within the first 45 days, you will only be held responsible for payment of the following:

  • The full value of the online Brave-Hearted Way training program which is considered paid & non-refundable at the time of purchase.
  • Any other sisterhood circles, group coaching or private sessions & services delivered within the first 45 days.

For any additional services you’ve not made use of, you are eligible to receive a refund for the value of those services minus a refund processing fee of $150 or 3.1% the amount refunded, whichever is greater.

Beyond the first 45 days, my expectation is that you are fully committed to the entirety of the program & no additional refunds will be granted.

*NOTE: If you say yes to investing in yourself beyond the 45-day grace period, our time together is a contractual agreement & you will be held responsible for all payments associated with the customized program you’ve chosen.

Finally, all sessions & services are purchased during our time together must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase or you will forfeit any services not yet received, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Not only do the above guarantees & policies give you a low-risk way to experience our work together but they also ensure your commitment to your long-term growth & evolution.   

Ways to Pay

All major credit cards are accepted & is the preferred method of payment for any program you choose.

And good news!

Want to say YES to you but can’t pay in full? Automated payment plans are also available. :)

Are You Ready to Save Yourself?

If so, your commitment to our time together will greatly maximize your growth & the results that you’ll receive so it’s important that you honor the investment of time & energy that we will both be putting into your growth & transformation.

Remember… working with someone to guide, strategize, & coach you toward joy & prosperity is a bit like joining a gym.

The tools are available to you but if you don’t use the facilities, you won’t get the results you are after!

If you’re ready to make the commitment to show up, participate 100%, & learn from your mistakes along the way, I encourage & invite you to say YES to YOU. 

When you do, I promise that MAGIC WILL HAPPEN & you’ll experience a radical shift in both your mindset AND your life! :)

I welcome the opportunity to support you in reclaiming your time, your energy, AND your power back.

After all, it’s time to make yourself the priority that you truly are!

To jumpstart your own self-rescue, simply complete the Self-Rescue Assessment below to assess your self-rescue needs & discover the 3 keys to self-rescue that will help you become your very own hero! :)

In love, light & gratitude…  

Range of Results

My time in Jess’s year long program has been so transformative! I’ve gone to over 20 counselors in my life but nothing has changed me internally like working with her has. I will be forever grateful.

Cara Madee

Jess is a master of self-care and knows intuitively how to create a safe, nurturing space for women to connect, open up and support each other.

The manner in which she facilitates is immersed in empathy, compassion and care…she knows how to work with and direct the flow so that women not only receive something of value for themselves but also feel heard, seen and empowered.

I highly recommend anything Jess creates for she truly knows what it means to care for herself and her fellow goddesses.

Mary Williams

I can’t thank Jess enough for the power she brought to my soul. I owe so much of my eyes being open, my rooted-ness, my alignment to her!

I was in and out of therapy, many a misdiagnosis, so much invalidation and dismissal that I really struggled to balance my life, constantly thinking something was wrong with me.

I moved from burned out, crying, and overwhelmed to being completely grounded within myself and thriving in my business. I would not be here if it wasn’t for her love, pulling me up and out of the wreckage of my own ego, frustration and patterns.

Through Jess’s work, I was able to break out of my own toxic cycles and get rooted into what I wanted, who I was and stand strong in my own life’s purpose.

Angela Kraft-Meldahl

At first, I was skeptical about whether working with Jess would really help because years of ineffective, half-assed therapy (both for myself and my family) left me feeling like I was not going to improve.

My anger, depression, perfectionism, etc. were constantly overwhelming. I felt stuck and did not have direction and I was struggling with what the “root” cause of my issue was.

Goodness, was I wrong!

The self-care work has scaffold-ed in such a way that each session builds from each other.

At first, I was a little hesitant about the “homework” between sessions, but Jess really understands what is necessary to push through the walls I built for myself.

I felt very little judgement as I explained how those were built and the ways it impacted my life. I felt accepted and embraced.

As a result of the healing work I did with Jess, I am also way more aware of my negative self-talk and behaviors.

When we first began, I did not believe that I deserved time to take care of myself and was resentful that others I cared for did not return the kindness, a core value of mine.

Since our work together, I realized that I am important to myself, which includes caring for my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

I feel tapped into my “higher self” and allow it to guide me now which helps me understand and cope with overwhelming emotions. I now allow myself to flow with them, recognizing it is a part of my growth.

Ultimately, I am now able to trust again; myself, others, and in the “universe”. The words sound so hollow when spoken or written, but it’s the feeling in the core of my heart that was missing that’s not easily explained. Thank you, Jess!

Chandra DeSimone

Click HERE to check out the wide range of results others have received as a result of their own self-rescue.